> Concrete Anchorage
ToolTip :
CivilBay Concrete Anchorage Design - New Version - ACI 318-19
and CSA A23.3-19 Code
We have upgraded to ACI 318-19 and
CSA A23.3-19 design code !
This upgrade has a brand new interface which is much better and user friendly than
the old version.
If users still prefer the old version, it is still accessible from gateway below,
but the old version won't be upgraded to new codes.
Please also note that the input file saved by old version
cannot be opened by the new version.
User's existing license, as long as it's still valid, works on both new
and old version
Web Browser
You need a web browser to run the program. Use Microsoft Edge

as your web browser.
How to Start
To view online tutorial in Youtube , visit
Tutorial 1 - Quick Start
Tutorial 2 - Design Examples
Tutorial 2 - Working Sheet
More Tutorials in Youtube
To view online user manual ,
User Manual
To start online program ,
click here
one time only to initiate settings, then
Start Program
Concrete Anchorage Design - Old Versionn
User can choose one of the three options below to select the spreadsheet that meets
user's design requirements. ;s design requirements.
All three options will direct user to the same spreadsheet.
Option 1: Answer the following questions to get the spreadsheet
I want to design
Select the input method
Select the design code
Have a free trial of new module, AISC Steel Connection Design,
Start Program
User Manual
Option 2: Expand the tree view below to select the spreadsheet
Option 3: Select the spreadsheet from the matrix table below
Anchor Bolt or Anchor Stud Design - Quick Input
Anchor Bolt Design - Custom Input
Using Anchor Reinforcement
Anchor Working As Group Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Force Has Moment
Anchor Working As Single Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Not Using Anchor Reinforcement
Anchor Working As Group Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Force Has Moment
Anchor Working As Single Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Stud Design - Custom Input
Using Anchor Reinforcement
Anchor Working As Group Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Force Has Moment
Anchor Working As Single Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Not Using Anchor Reinforcement
Anchor Working As Group Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Force Has Moment
Anchor Working As Single Anchor
Anchor Force Has No Moment
Anchor Bolt Design - Ver Vessel Circular Pattern Anchor Bolt on Octagon Pedestal
Base Plate Design
Base Plate & Anchor Bolt Design Using One Input
Using Anchor Reinforcement
PIN type base plate
MC type base plate
Not Using Anchor Reinforcement
PIN type base plate
MC type base plate
Shear Key or Shear Lug Design