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Steel Connection Design Manual
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Collapse Connection LibraryConnection Library
Moment Connection Type
Moment Connection-Extended End Plate Type
Moment Connection - Tutorial
Shear Connection
Shear Connection - Tutorial
Brace Connection Type
Brace Hor Member Connection Type
Brace Hor Strut Connection Type
Ver Brace Connection - Tutorial
Hor Brace Connection - Tutorial
Splice Connection
Splice Connection Type
Splice Connection - Tutorial
Base Plate and Anchor Bolt Connection
Hollow Section Steel Connection
Slip Critical Bolt Connection and Slotted Bolt Hole
Collapse Concrete Anchorage DesignConcrete Anchorage Design
Conc Anchorage Design Manual
Base Plate Anchor Bolt Pattern
Anchor Bolt Design Seismic Provisions - ACI 318-19
Anchor Bolt Design Seismic Provisions - CSA A23.3-19
Vertical Vessel Anchorage Design - Skirt Support and Leg Support
Collapse Sample CalculationSample Calculation
Collapse Moment ConnectionMoment Connection
MC-4 Bolt Extend End Plate
MC at Column Top - Column Siffener Plate
MC at Both Sides of Column - Column Siffener and Doubler Plate
MC-2 Bolts Top Flush End Plate
MC-12 Bolts Extend End Plate MRE 1/3-4W/2W
MC-Flange Plate to Column Flange
MC-Flange Plate to Column Web
Collapse Moment Connection-SeismicMoment Connection-Seismic
OMF MC-4 Bolt 4E Extend End Plate
OMF MC-8 Bolt 8ES Extend End Plate
SMF BFP Bolted Flange Plate
Collapse Shear ConnectionShear Connection
End Plate-Beam to Column Flange
End Plate-Beam to Column Web
End Plate-Beam to Girder
End Plate-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Clip Angle-Beam to Column Flange
Clip Angle-Beam to Column Web
Clip Angle-Beam to Girder
Clip Angle-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Shear Tab-Beam to Column Flange
Shear Tab-Beam to Column Web
Shear Tab-Beam to Girder
Shear Tab-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Collapse Vertical Brace ConnectionVertical Brace Connection
W Shape Brace to Column Web
W Shape Brace to Column Flange
Collapse Vertical Brace - SeismicVertical Brace - Seismic
SCBF HSS Ver Brace
SCBF HSS Chevron Brace-Top
SCBF HSS Chevron Brace-Bottom
Collapse Horizontal Brace ConnectionHorizontal Brace Connection
Horizontal Brace-End Plate
Horizontal Brace-Wrap Around Gusset Plate-Clip Angle
Horizontal Brace-Wrap Around Gusset Plate-Shear Tab
Collapse Chevron Brace ConnectionChevron Brace Connection
Chevron Brace
Collapse Knee Brace ConnectionKnee Brace Connection
Knee Brace
Collapse Base Plate Ver Brace ConnectionBase Plate Ver Brace Connection
Base Plate Ver Brace-Column Flange
Base Plate Ver Brace-Column Web
Collapse Splice ConnectionSplice Connection
Splice-Exterior Flange Plate
Splice-Exterior/Interior Flange Plate
Splice-Top & Bottom Extended End Plate
Splice-Top Flushed & Bottom Extended End Plate
CivilBay AISC Steel Connection Design Software Program  

Important Note:
This program only works on Google  Chrome     web browser.
If you are not using Google Chrome browser, please change to Google Chrome web browser and restart this program again.

Engineering Services

We provide steel connection and crane runway beam design and stamping service in Canada. Check for more details


Online Tutorial Video

User can visit these online tutorial videos to have a quick tour on how this program can work for you on the steel connection design

Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection          Tut 07  Horizontal Brace Connection       Tut 05  Shear Connection  
Tut 03  Moment Connection                  Tut 04  Splice Connection    
Tut 11
  HSS Connection - Moment & Shear Connection  
Tut 12  HSS Connection - Brace Connection  
Tut 01  Quick Start                               Tut 02 - Design Examples   Part 1      Part 2      Part 3       Working Sheet

Online User Manual          visit    User Manual
Start Online Program       visit    Start Program

Civilbay steel connection design program is one of the most comprehensive steel connection design software based on AISC 360-16 and AISC 360-10 code, CSA S16-14 code,
and all AISC Steel Design Guides.
1. It's a pure AISC solution which covers 90~95% of steel connection design in most projects, with specific strength on brace connection design including vertical brace,
horizontal brace, chevron brace, knee brace, ver. brace to base plate , and wrap around gusset plate design in horizontal brace design.
2. It provides detailed sketches and textbook style step by step calculation showing formulas and parameters. In every step it shows the design code reference source for
the user to trace how the result is derived so that the user has full control on the calculation.

AISC Steel Connection - Vertical Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Horizontal Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 07   Horizontal Brace Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Moment Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 03  Moment Connection  

AISC Steel Connection - Shear Connection - End Plate            Visit tutorial  Tut 05  Shear Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Shear Connection - Clip Angle            Visit tutorial  Tut 05  Shear Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Shear Connection - Shear Tab            Visit tutorial  Tut 05  Shear Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Splice Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 04   Splice Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Base Plate Vertical Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection  

AISC Steel Connection - Hor Brace Wrap Around Gusset Plate Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 07   Horizontal Brace Connection

AISC Steel Connection - Chevron Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection  

AISC Steel Connection - Knee Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection  


AISC Steel Connection - Transfer Force or Pass Through Force in Brace Connection            Visit tutorial  Tut 06  Vertical Brace Connection  

                      Vertical Brace Transfer Force - Detailing Sketch                           Vertical Brace Transfer Force - CivilBay Sketch 
   Tutorial on Youtube         Working Sheet           Online Demo - VB Left           Online Demo - VB Right         Online Demo - VB Col Web         Online Demo - HB Wrap