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CivilBay Concrete Anchorage Design Manual
Quick Start
How to Use
Design Tips

1. Why this program is the best concrete anchorage design program ?         Back to Top
CivilBay Concrete Anchorage Design program can design concrete anchor bolt/anchor stud, base plate and shear key using one input and
get the design completed in one single shot. It greatly reduces structural engineer's work load on the tedious concrete anchorage design.
  • It designs concrete anchorage to ACI 318-19 imperial , ACI318M-19 metric and CSA A23.3-19 code
  • It designs concrete anchorage with using and not using anchor reinforcement options. Using anchor reinforcement in many times is the
        only option to get highly stressed anchor design pass. Check out this feature
  • It designs both anchor bolt and anchor stud such as Nelson stud which presents a different characteristic in shear design
  • It designs anchor bolt/anchor stud, base plate and shear key using one input and get the design completed in one single shot.  Check out this feature
  • It designs both cast-in anchor and post-installed HILTI adhesive anchors HILTI HIT-RE 500 V3 and HIT-HY 200.  Check out this feature
  • It designs circular bolt pattern anchors and base plate.  Check out this feature
  • It designs vertical vessel circular pattern skirt support and leg support anchorage.  Check out this feature

  • 2. Where can I buy a license and how much is the cost ?         Back to Top
    User can click on this link  Buy Now   to buy a license online.
    When user navigate through the Buy Now   link , user will find license pricing info.

    3. Which web browser is the best one to run this program ?         Back to Top
  • If you are Concrete Anchorage user only, use Microsoft Edge as web browser , but Concrete Anchorage works on all other
        web browsers as well
  • If you are both Concrete Anchorage and Steel Connection user, use Google Chrome as web browser as Steel Connection
        module only works on Chrome browser

  • 4. Where can I find the online tutorial video ?         Back to Top

    5. How to start the program ?         Back to Top
    To run the concrete anchorage design program online, visit Start Program

    6. Quick introduction on the user interface         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See screenshot below for the user interface input and display areas
    Area-1 : sketch area,    sketch is shown in this area. Users can change different views of same connection by clicking on radio button in Area-5
    Area-2 : status area,    showing license status and calculation result summary in this area
    Area-3 : input area,      users key in inputs in this area, by clicking on different tabs in Area-4, the input fields will change to serve different part
                                     of inputs for the connection
    Area-4 : input tabs,      clicking on different tabs in this area it will change the input contents shown in Area-3
    Area-5 : sketch view tabs,    clicking on different tabs in this area it will change the sketch view shown in Area-1  
    Area-6 : file/login area,    user can save/load input file, update input and login/logout in this area  

    7. How to login as a licensed user ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    For licensed user, you will get an email from me after you pruchased the license. That email will give you login user name and password.
    Key in your login user name and password as shown below

    After login please verify that your user name appears on the status area and the license is shown as activated.

    8. How to change my login user name and password ?         Back to Top
    Click on this link  Change Login  to change login user name and password.

    9. How to navigate between different design modules ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    There are Concrete Anchorage and Steel Connection two design modules.
    Steel Connection design module is a much larger program and it needs separate license. We encourage Concrete Anchorage user to have a free
    trila on Steel Connection module.
    For Concrete Anchorage user, follow two setps below to select Concrete Anchorage design module.
    Step 1 : Click on General tab as shown below
    Step 2 : Select Concrete Anchorage design module from the pull down as shown below

    10. How to choose design code and set up design unit ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    Step 1 : Click on Setting tab as shown below
    Step 2 : On the pop-up dialog box, select Design Code, Design Unit and Display Precision

    Design Code :  There are three design codes available as shown below
    Design Unit :    It will set the Imperial or Metric unit for input and calculation presentation
                          User can design ACI 318-19 Imperial code using metric design unit
                          User can also design A23.3-19 Metric code using imperial design unit
    Display Precision :  It sets how the number is presented on the sketch, for example half an inch display as 0.500 or 1/2";
                               This setting applies to sketch presentation only and does not apply to calculation report presentation

    11. How to switch between different input panels ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See screenshot below, all anchorage inputs are under Anchorage tab and can be switched back and forth using the Select input for pull down
    Tab Anchorage is where user proceeds with all the inputs and is the only tab which user will be using for design inputs
    Tab Design Calc is where user checks the design calculation and is the only tab which user will be using for calculation review and printout
    Tab Setting is where user selects design code and unit, once set up user seldom visits this tab again
    Tab General is where user switches between Concrete Anchorage and Steel Connection module, and user inputs company/project name for
                     calculation title block, once set up user seldom visits this tab again

    12. User input and update         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    To save time and avoid page refreshing after user keys in every input, for many input fileds the page remains not updated after user keys in a new value.
    User can click on the Update button to refresh the page after finish all inputs in the panel.

    13. User input and highlighted text in sketch         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See screenshot below, hover your mouse over an input field and it's value in sketch will be highlighted in yellow

    14. How to use tooltip and turn tooltip On/Off ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    The program provides Tooltip for almost every input fields. It is an online user manual for user's convenience.
    User needs to turn the Tooltip On first before viewing the tooltip and user can turn it Off after user is familiar with the program.
    User can hover the mouse over input filed and it will pop up the tooltip
    User can also click on the question mark and it will also pop up the tooltip

    15. What is suggest values and how to use them ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See screenshot below, there are suggest values, many are from standard drawings, which will give user a good start for design
    User can click on Copy button to copy all suggest values to input fields on the left

    16. How to view and get calculation report         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    User can click on Design Calc to view calculation report as shown on screenshot below.
    Refer to next FAQ for details on how to navigate/organize calculation report for printout.

    17. How to arrange calculation report in Summary / Condensed / Detailed / Sketch format ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See screenshot below. User can review/organize which section of calculation to be displayed and click on any check item's title bar to
    expand/collapse that item to review detail calculation.
    Step 1: User can select which section of calculation to be displayed by checking items in this checkbox. If only Summary is checked
                then it will only display result summary, or Sketches is checked, it will display sketches.
    Step 2: User can click on any check item's title bar to unfold this check item to show detail calculation
    Step 3: User can also click on the Expand All / Collapse All to expand/collapse all check items' calculation details in one single shot

    18. How to add company name and project name in calc report title ??         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    See Step 3 and Step 4 in next FAQ-19   on how to add company name and project name in the calculation report

    19. How to print calculation report ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    Before printing a calculation report , user may follow FAQ-16   above to arrange the report in user expected format by checking the
    checkboxes and expand/collapse required sections.
    Step 1: In Design Calc tab, click on Print button and it will pop up a new window as shown in screenshot below, maximize the new window


    Step 2: Maximize the new window
              a) Point mouse on the right margin      b) Click on mouse right button      c) Select Print menu item in the pop up menu

    Step 3:
    In the new print window, the two checkbox under bottom-left Options area are checked by default, if not please check these two options
    See next screenshot in Step 4 to understand how the inputs of Company Name, Project Name and Connection ID under General tab are captured here as calculation report title

    Step 4:
    Compare to screenshot above to understand how the inputs of Company Name, Project Name and Connection ID under General tab are captured as calculation report title

    20. How to save and load input file ?         Back to Top
    User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
    Follow instructions below to open/save an input file. It's exactly the same as how you save a download file in the web browser.
    How to save an input file

    How to open an input file

    21. Can the new version opens the input file saved by old version ?         Back to Top
    Concrete Anchorage has been upgraded to a new version to incorporate new ACI 318-19 and CSA A23.3-19 code.
    Please note that the new version can NOT open the input file saved by the old version.

    22. I got an error message when I run the program         Back to Top
    This program may have bugs which will casue error. When you get the error message similar to the one shown below, don't be panic.
    Follow these steps to report the bug to me.
    Step 1 : Take a screenshot of the error message similar to the one below, and email the screenshot to me as attachment of your email
    Step 2 : Check this page How to Reset Program  on how to reset the program. After reset, click on this link Start Program   to start the program again.
    Step 3 : After restart the program, repeat previous steps to reach the step just before you getting error message, save your input file and email it to me.
                 Tell me for this file on which input you click causes the error. I will fix the bug if I can repeat your error message here.
    Below is a sample error message screenshot. Your error message may not be the same but shall be similar