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Everything About Licensing
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CivilBay Engineering Services
Collapse Connection LibraryConnection Library
Moment Connection Type
Moment Connection-Extended End Plate Type
Moment Connection - Tutorial
Shear Connection
Shear Connection - Tutorial
Brace Connection Type
Brace Hor Member Connection Type
Brace Hor Strut Connection Type
Ver Brace Connection - Tutorial
Hor Brace Connection - Tutorial
Splice Connection
Splice Connection Type
Splice Connection - Tutorial
Base Plate and Anchor Bolt Connection
Hollow Section Steel Connection
Slip Critical Bolt Connection and Slotted Bolt Hole
Collapse Concrete Anchorage DesignConcrete Anchorage Design
Conc Anchorage Design Manual
Base Plate Anchor Bolt Pattern
Anchor Bolt Design Seismic Provisions - ACI 318-19
Anchor Bolt Design Seismic Provisions - CSA A23.3-19
Vertical Vessel Anchorage Design - Skirt Support and Leg Support
Collapse Sample CalculationSample Calculation
Collapse Moment ConnectionMoment Connection
MC-4 Bolt Extend End Plate
MC at Column Top - Column Siffener Plate
MC at Both Sides of Column - Column Siffener and Doubler Plate
MC-2 Bolts Top Flush End Plate
MC-12 Bolts Extend End Plate MRE 1/3-4W/2W
MC-Flange Plate to Column Flange
MC-Flange Plate to Column Web
Collapse Moment Connection-SeismicMoment Connection-Seismic
OMF MC-4 Bolt 4E Extend End Plate
OMF MC-8 Bolt 8ES Extend End Plate
SMF BFP Bolted Flange Plate
Collapse Shear ConnectionShear Connection
End Plate-Beam to Column Flange
End Plate-Beam to Column Web
End Plate-Beam to Girder
End Plate-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Clip Angle-Beam to Column Flange
Clip Angle-Beam to Column Web
Clip Angle-Beam to Girder
Clip Angle-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Shear Tab-Beam to Column Flange
Shear Tab-Beam to Column Web
Shear Tab-Beam to Girder
Shear Tab-Beam to Girder with Stiffened Coped Beam
Collapse Vertical Brace ConnectionVertical Brace Connection
W Shape Brace to Column Web
W Shape Brace to Column Flange
Collapse Vertical Brace - SeismicVertical Brace - Seismic
SCBF HSS Ver Brace
SCBF HSS Chevron Brace-Top
SCBF HSS Chevron Brace-Bottom
Collapse Horizontal Brace ConnectionHorizontal Brace Connection
Horizontal Brace-End Plate
Horizontal Brace-Wrap Around Gusset Plate-Clip Angle
Horizontal Brace-Wrap Around Gusset Plate-Shear Tab
Collapse Chevron Brace ConnectionChevron Brace Connection
Chevron Brace
Collapse Knee Brace ConnectionKnee Brace Connection
Knee Brace
Collapse Base Plate Ver Brace ConnectionBase Plate Ver Brace Connection
Base Plate Ver Brace-Column Flange
Base Plate Ver Brace-Column Web
Collapse Splice ConnectionSplice Connection
Splice-Exterior Flange Plate
Splice-Exterior/Interior Flange Plate
Splice-Top & Bottom Extended End Plate
Splice-Top Flushed & Bottom Extended End Plate
Everything About Licensing

1. How is the license managed, is it a network license ?         Back to Top
All CivilBay licenses are managed as network license and they are floating licenses that will be checked out from a license pool.
The license is available to all computers that have internet connection and web browser. When a company has offices in different cities, or even
different countries, it's possible that engineers in different cities or countries share the same license as long as the computers have internet connection.
Please note that once a license is checked out from the license pool, the checked out license has to stay on the user's local computer for 4 hours and
there is no way to release the license back to server for other users to check out again during this 4-hour session period

Please take above highlighted note into account when you consider the number of license you need for your company. The network license is checked
out as first come first served basis. If a company owns a single network license, when the single license has been checked out and the 4-hour session
is not expired yet, then the other users who attempt to check out the license will be denied.

2. Can I return the license to pool after I finish ?         Back to Top
Once a license is checked out from the license pool, the checked out license has to stay on the user's local computer for 4 hours and there is no way to
release the license back to server for other users to check out again during this 4-hour session period. User can only return the license back to pool after
the current 4-hour session expired.

3. Is there any way to get around the 4 hour license checkout and release the license earlier ?         Back to Top
The 4-hour session limit is designed to manage the license as standalone license which is what the user had paid for.
This program cannot be sustained if a 100+ engineers firm only needs to pay a couple hundred annually for a single license when each engineer can
finish the design within 5 mins and return the license back for another engineer to check out the license again.
If your firm experiences the 4-hour licensing checkout bottleneck frequently, you definitely need to purchase more seats of license.

4. How to move the license from one computer to another ?         Back to Top
When computer A checks out the license, the license will stay on computer A for 4 hours. Computer B cannot get the same license during this 4-hours
session. At around the 4 hours license session expire time point, make sure that computer A is not using the program, otherwise computer A may renew
and keep the license for another 4-hour session, user can login to his/her account on computer B , check out the license and use it on computer B.

5. Can I use the license in multiple computers ?         Back to Top
You could use the license in multiple computers as it's floating license.
Please refer to FAQ 1~4 above on how to move the license from one computer to another.

6. I am a registered user but I didn't get a license after login ?         Back to Top
User can view Youtube video on this Tutorial      
First , see screenshot below, in status area, click on Check License Again link multiple times , you may get license checkout again

Second , please make sure that you are using the 1) same computer, 2) same web browser, and 3) same monitor setup as the status when you checked out your license last time.
               For example, you use a laptop moving around and everything seems to be the same. You checked out your license when the laptop is alone, then you plug your
               laptop to an external monitor and work on the big screen. External monitor setup status change is equivalent to changing computers and it may cause your license issue.
               If that's the case, plug/unplug your laptop back to previous license checkout status and you should get your license successfully checked out this time. After that you can
               plug/unplug your laptop to any status you want and continue your work from there.
,    please make sure your current license is not expired.
Please check your purchase record in your email for the date of purchase and count one year or one month forward depending what you purchased from
that date and make sure your license is still valid.
Fourth, Concrete Anchorage and Steel Connection are two different modules that need different license. You may have license of one module
and try to use another module. If that's the case you need to buy another module's license by clicking on this link  Buy Now  to buy a license online.
Last, after verifying that your current license is still valid, please take note of the following regarding license checkout
  • Once a license has been checked out, it has to stay on the checkout computer locally for 4 hours before another computer can check it out again.
        During this 4-hour session if you login to your account on different computer or using a different web browser , you won't get a license on the other
  • The checkout license stays locally in the web browser's cookie and it's computer and web browser dependent.
        Please make sure that all the time you stay with the same computer , same monitor and  same web browser
  • Please make sure that your web browser's setting allows cookies as some firms IT policy disables web browser's setting for accepting cookies
  • You shall not delete your web browser's cookie or allow your web browser's add-ons or plugins, if there is any , to purge the browser's cookies in the
        background. If the cookie is deleted, you lose your license for 4 hours but you are able to get the license again after the 4 hours session expires.