Consider Only Half of Total Number of Anchor Bolt Carrying
Shear Due To Oversized Bolt Hole on Base Plate

This input provides user an option to deal with oversized bolt hole on
base plate and it's impact to anchor bolt's shear capacity transmitted
through bearing between base plate and anchor rod.

When Yes is selected, only 50% of the total number of anchor bolt will
                                 be used to calculate anchor rod material shear

When No is selected, 100% of the total number of anchor bolt will
                                be used to calculate anchor rod material shear

Due to construction tolerance, oversized bolt hole is commonly required
on based plate as per Table 14-2 in the AISC Steel Construction Manual
13th Edition.

In AISC Design Guide 1 Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design 2nd Edition
section 3.5.3, it recommends to use 2 of 4 anchor rod to transfer the
shear, unless special provisions are made to equalize the load to all
anchor rods.
AISC Design Guide 1 Base Plate and Anchor Rod Design 2nd Edition

AISC Steel Construction Manual 13th Edition Table 14-2