 Home  > Steel  > Crane Runway Beam Design - AISC LRFD 2010 and ASD 2010


Runway beam linear self weight Urb =       = Label [kip/ft]  
Crane rail linear self weight Ucr =       = Label [kip/ft]  
Crane runway + rail selfweight Rsw = (Urb + Ucr) x Lver = Label [kips]  
Wheel load by bridge selfweight Pbr = Wbr / (2 or 4 wheel x 2 sides) = Label [kip/per wheel]
Side Thrust Load              
  Hs1 = 0.4 Lifted Load = Label [kips]  
  Hs2 = 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt) = Label [kips]  
  Hs3 = 0.1 (Lifted Load+ Entire Crane Wt) = Label [kips]  
  Hs4 = 1.0 x Lifted Load = Label [kips]  
  Hs5 = 2.0 x Lifted Load = Label [kips]  
  Hst = Label = Label [kip/per wheel]
Tractive Load              
  Htr = 0.2 Max wheel load Pmax = Label [kip/per wheel]
Vertical Load              
Min. hook aproach Smin = min (SL, SR) = Label [ ft ]  
Max wheel load by calc Pmax-c =
   (Wrc+Wth) x (Sr-Smin)   +  Pbr
    no of wheel x Sr
= Label [kip/per wheel]
Max. wheel load by vendor Pmax-v =   = Label [kip/per wheel]
Max static wheel load Pmax = max (Pmax-v , Pmax-c) = Label [kip/per wheel]
Min static wheel load Pmin =
   (Wrc+Wth) x Smin   +  Pbr
    no of wheel x Sr
= Label [kip/per wheel]
Wheel load by bridge selfweight Pbr = Wbr / (2 or 4 wheel x 2 sides) = Label [kip/per wheel]
Side Thrust Load              
  Hs1 = 0.4 Lifted Load = Label [kips]  
  Hs2 = 0.2 (Lifted Load+ Trolley/Hoist Wt) = Label [kips]  
  Hs3 = 0.1 (Lifted Load+ Entire Crane Wt) = Label [kips]  
  Hs4 = 2.0 x Lifted Load = Label [kips]  
  Hst = Label = Label [kip/per wheel]
Tractive Load              
  Htr = 0.2 Max wheel load Pmax = Label [kip/per wheel]
Vertical Load              
Min. hook aproach Smin = min (SL, SR) = Label [ ft ]  
Max wheel load by calc Pmax-c =
   (Wrc+Wth) x (Sr-Smin)   +  Pbr
    no of wheel x Sr
= Label [kip/per wheel]
Max. wheel load by vendor Pmax-v =   = Label [kip/per wheel]
Max static wheel load Pmax = max (Pmax-v , Pmax-c) = Label [kip/per wheel]
Min static wheel load Pmin =
   (Wrc+Wth) x Smin   +  Pbr
    no of wheel x Sr
= Label [kip/per wheel]
Crane runway beam span - ver Lver = Label [ ft ] for max member forces and deflection calc
Crane runway beam span - hor Lhor = Label [ ft ]  
Crane runway beam span - ver L1 = Label [ ft ] for max support reaction calc
  L2 = Label [ ft ]  
Crane Wheel Load Distance                  
Label d1 = Label [ ft ]          
  d2 = Label [ ft ] d3 = Label [ ft ]  
  d10 = Label [ ft ]          
Crane-2 wheel distance d11 = Label [ ft ]          
  d12 = Label [ ft ] d13 = Label [ ft ]  
Crane Wheel Load                  
On The Side Close To Hook use max static wheel load Pmax    
Label P1 = Label [kips]          
Crane-2 wheel load P2 = Label [kips]          
On The Side Far To Hook use min static wheel load Pmin    
Label P1 = Label [kips]          
Crane-2 wheel load P2 = Label [kips]          
Max Member Forces for Crane Runway Beam Design        
Max Unfactored Moment              

  when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max moment Mcr due to moving load
Moment by moving wheel load - ver Mcr-ver =   = Label [kip-ft]  

  when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max moment Mcr due to moving load
Moment by moving wheel load - hor Mcr-hor =   = Label [kip-ft]  

Moment caused by beam and rail self-weight Msw = (Urb + Ucr) Lver2 / 8 = Label [kip-ft]  

Max Unfactored Shear when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max shear Vcr due to moving load
Shear by moving wheel load Vcr =       = Label [kips]  
  Vsw = (Urb + Ucr) Lver / 2 = Label [kips]  
                  CISC Crane Guide
Vertical load impact factor a =       = Label   Table 2.1
Runway beam + rail selfwei U = Urb + Ucr   = Label [kip/ft]  
Max ver. load /wheel (no impact) Pmax =       = Label [kips / per wheel]
Max hor. load /wheel Ph =       = Label [kips / per wheel]
Crane Load for AISC ASD Design        
Bending moment x-x axis Mx = Mcr-ver x a (impact) + Msw = Label [kip-ft]  
Bending moment y-y axis My = Mcr-hor x Ph / Pmax = Label [kip-ft]  
Shear along y-y axis Vy = Vcr x a (impact) + Vsw = Label [kips]  
Crane Load for AISC LRFD Design        
Wheel load by bridge selfwei Pbr = Wbr / (no of wheel * 2 sides) = Label [kips] as dead load
Wheel load by lift load + trolley Plt = Pmax - Pbr = Label [kips] as live load
Max factored ver. load /wheel Pv-f = 1.2 x Pbr + 1.6 x Plt x a(impact) = Label [kips] impact included
Max factored hor. load /wheel Ph-f = 1.2 x Pbr + 1.6 x Plt = Label [kips]  
Factor bending moment x-x axis Mx = Mcr-ver x Pv-f  /Pmax + Mswx1.2 = Label [kip-ft]  
Factor bending moment y-y axis My = Mcr-hor x Ph-f / Pmax = Label [kip-ft]  
Factor shear along y-y axis Vy = Vcr x Pv-f  / Pmax +Vsw x1.2 = Label [kips]  
Max Deflection                  

  when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max deflection due to moving load
Max deflection by moving load - ver Dcr-ver =   = Label

  when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max deflection due to moving load
Max deflection by moving load - hor Dcr-hor =   = Label

Crane Load Imposed on Building Column for Building Design        
Max Support Reaction when x = Label [ ft ] crane beam gets max reaction Rcr due to moving load
Vertical Load                  
Reaction On the Side Close to Hook                
Reaction by moving wheel load Rcr-c =       = Label [kips]  
Reaction by crane beam self wt Rsw = 0.5 (Urb + Ucr) (L1 + L2) = Label [kips]  
Sum R1 = Rcr-c + Rsw = Label [kips]  
Reaction On the Side Far to Hook                
Reaction by moving wheel load Rcr-f = Rcr-c x Pmin / Pmax = Label [kips]  
Reaction by crane beam self wt Rsw = 0.5 (Urb + Ucr) (L1 + L2) = Label [kips]  
Sum R2 = Rcr-f + Rsw = Label [kips]  
Side Thrust Load                  
Crane -1                  
Side thrust load per wheel Hst = Label = Label [kip/per wheel]
Max static wheel load Pmax =       = Label [kip/per wheel]
Side thrust load   = Rcr-c x Hst / Pmax = Label [kips]  
Tractive Load                  
Crane -1                  
Tractive load per wheel Htr = 0.2 Max wheel load = Label [kip/per wheel]
Max static wheel load Pmax =       = Label [kip/per wheel]
Tractive load   = Rcr-c x Htr / Pmax = Label [kips]  
Point Moment to Building Column Center            
  M1 = R1 x eR = Label [kip-ft]  
  M2 = R2 x eL = Label [kip-ft]  
Summary of Crane Load Imposed on Building Column    
Label Label Label Label Label Label Label Label
  • All loads shown above are unfactored static load, dynamic impact factor is not included
  • The crane loads shown above may be reverse if crane hook goes to the other side. When reverse the loads and apply them on building columns, the point moment value may need adjusted if eccentricity eL ≠ eR
Bumper Force at Building End Frame               AISC Design Guide 7
Bumper force to be the greater of 1. Twice the tractive force = Label [kips] section 18.6 on Page 65
  2. 10% of entire crane weight = Label [kips]  
Bumper force used for design           = Label [kips]  
User shall apply longitudinal bumper force to both sides of building end frame  
Label Label
  • All loads shown above are unfactored static load, dynamic impact factor is not included