Seismic Design Category SDC
ACI 318-11 D.3.3.1

Anchors in structures assigned to Seismic Design Category
(SDC) C, D, E, or F shall satisfy the additional requirements
of D.3.3.2 through D.3.3.7

ACI 318-11 D.3.3.1

How to find out your structure's  Seismic Design Category

1) Refer to ASCE 7-10 page 2 Table 1.5-1 to find out the Risk
of your structure based on your structure's type
    and usage.

2) Refer to ASCE 7-10 page 65 Section 11.4.4 to find out the
    design spectral response acceleration parameters SDS and SD1
    based on your structure's location

3) Refer to ASCE 7-10 page 67 Section 11.6 Table 11.6-1 and
    11.6-2 to find out the SDC for your structure.

 ASCE 7-10 page 67 Section 11.6